This week we ran a marathon in scenario 9: Glowing Catacombs. Just look at how L O N G this bad boy is:
The background is that in the last campaign we discovered a path and this time we explored it. Scenario goal: kill err'thang.
Some highlights:
I can't remember a campaign where we had to cover this much ground. From the starting hex to my end hex I walked 31 tiles. Not much of a problem for Blinkblade and Drifter with their 10-ish walk cards, but nearly undoable for my Buurman and Buurman. Lots of early short-rests to get back some cards with decent movement. I got some serious JotL Black Ship PTSD flashbacks.
Ramon did his awesome area-of-effect attack again and hit three enemies for 4, 6 and 10 damage. The 10 dmg-hit was the exact amount needed for a kill, very satisfying. Only of the enemies survived the attack with 1 HP remaining. Then the enemy attacked Ramon, drew a miss card and got killed by Ramons retaliate. Sucks to be him.
I like to not take responsibility whenever I can so I blame this fuckup to our lack of anti-eye fatigue sleeves on the battle-goal cards.